The World Dignity University Initiative was founded by members of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network. In fact it is now the organizational frame for the educational activities of HumanDHS. Both organizations are closely related. The HumanDHS website still holds the majority of content relevant for the history and concept of the WDU initiative.

The World Dignity University (WDU) Initiative and the Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) is continuing to develop a partnership that will provide adult learners the opportunity to pursue the multidisciplinary study of topics related to human dignity and social change.

IOU Foundation President, Dr. Sandra Hurlong, is honored to serve on the Board of WDU and IOU Foundation and its consortium partners Universidad Azteca/Universidad Central de Nicaragua offer full support as partners in social change and world peace.
World Dignity University Amazonian Branch in the Rainforest of Ecuador
The videos you see further down were created on in the Ruku Kausay branch of the World Dignity University initiative located in the community of Rio Blanco in the Amazonian part of Ecuador. The Grefa family, an extended indigenous Kichwa family, has developed ecotourism as a way to preserve their sacred rainforest lands and culture for over 20 years.

Dignity Press publishes books in the field of Human Dignity studies since 2012. Books of academic character are published under its imprint World Dignity University Press.
More info at dignitypress.org

Evelin has met and supported Polly Higgins, the founder of Stop Ecocide International, for many years.At the HumanDHS workshop 2021 Stop Ecocide presented: