Activities of the Ambassadors for the EU Climate Pact

Preventing Ecocide is key to a future in dignity.

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Activities of the Ambassadors for the EU Climate Pact

Post by ggeckler »

In this topic, I want to give you information about the community of more than 800 ambassadors who pledged to engage themselves for the EU Climate Pact of 2020 which is part of the Green Deal of the EU Commission that was concluded after the Paris Agreement of 2015.

In 2020 a group was formed around Evelin Lindner who lived in Hamelin at that time. We called the group DignityNowHameln and one of our dignity activities is to work against the degradation of the environment and against climate warming. Part of this engagement was my candidacy for becoming an ambassador for the EU Climate Pact because I consider the peace and the achievement of the climate targets of the Paris Agreement to be the current global tasks. For my successful application, I made the pledge that I would like to do my part as a member of the #digniworld core team and as an ambassador for the European Climate Pact (#EUClimatePact). The details of my pledge are described in the progress report to the EU Climate Pact team of May 2022 on my Wordpress-page

The first item I am attaching under this subject is a list of links to recent activities of members of the community of EU Climate Pact Ambassadors that was released by the central secretariat. Perhaps you click through and I'd be happy about remarks to this publication.

Links for Actions - December 2022.docx
(22.41 KiB) Downloaded 347 times

Georg Geckler

Dipl.-Ing. Georg-W. Geckler
Ambassador for the EU Climate Pact in Hameln, Germany
Member of DignityNowHameln,
Partner of #Digniworld
Tuermerweg 9, D-31789 Hameln
Tel.: +49-5151-5566264
Mobile: +49-151-22192700
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